
New Linux User? Try These 8 Great Essential Linux Apps

When you are new to Linux, one of the problems you will face is which apps to use. With millions of Linux apps, the choice is certainly not easy. Here are 8 essential Linux apps to get you settled in quickly.


Learn Linux, 101: Manage printers and printing

Learn how to manage print queues and user print jobs on Linux using CUPS and the LPD compatibility interface. Use the material in this tutorial to study for the LPI 102 exam for Linux system administrator certification or to learn for fun. check tutorial


2 scientific calculators for the Linux desktop

Every Linux desktop environment comes with at least a simple desktop calculator, but most of those simple calculators are just that: a simple tool for simple calculations.

Fortunately, there are exceptions; programs that go far beyond square roots and a couple of trigonometric functions, yet are still easy to use. Here are two powerful calculator tools for Linux, plus a couple of bonus options.Read More.

Working with VI editor : The Basics

VI editor is a powerful command line based text editor that was originally created for Unix but has since been ported to various Unix & Linux distributions. In Linux there exists another, advanced version of VI editor called VIM (also known as VI IMproved ). VIM only adds funtionalities to already powefrul VI editor, some of the added functionalities are Read More.


Linux Filesystem Events with inotify

Linux has an efficient method for alerting user-space processes to changes impacting files of interest. The inotify Linux system calls were first discussed here in Linux Journal in a 2005 article by Robert Love who primarily addressed the behavior of the new features from the perspective of C. Read More.

How to Install Docker CE on Your Desktop

This article will cover the installation of Docker on desktop Linux, macOS, and Windows, and it is intended for beginners who want to get started with Docker containers. The only prerequisite is that you are comfortable with command-line interface. Read More.

Best Linux Laptops for 2018

The ultimate guide to the best Linux laptops in 2018.

There are companies that sell laptops with a Linux distro pre-installed. On top of that, you get full support for the hardware and software installed on the laptop, and some modifications so both the hardware and the software support your privacy and freedom.

You have many options to choose from - all kinds of laptops, different sizes and different hardware.

Some notable Linux laptop providers are:

What Linux Users Must Know About Meltdown and Spectre Bugs Impacting CPUs

Meltdown and Spectre are two vulnerabilities that impact almost all computers, tablets and smartphones on the earth. Does it mean you can be hacked? What can you do about it? Read More

Hands On Embedded Linux Development Training course

LinuxCertified Inc, a leading provider of Linux training and services, announced its next Hands On Embedded Linux Development class to be held in San Francisco Bay Area from January 17th, 2018.

Details on this course are available at:

This workshop is also available as an on-site class throughout North America.

Biggest Linux News Stories of 2017

Looking back to some of the biggest news stories of the year 2017 Take A Look.


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