Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/27/2018 - 02:05
Siri, Alexa and Google Home can all translate voice commands into basic activities, especially if those activities involve nothing more than sharing digital files like music and movies. Integration with home automation is also possible, though perhaps not as simply as users might desire—at least, not yet. Learn More
Submitted by tuxtops on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 01:39
For any device connected to the internet or a network, it's essential that you log events so you know what the device is doing and can address any potential problems. Increasingly those devices include Internet of Things (IoT) devices and embedded systems. Read More
Submitted by tuxtops on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 00:44
Submitted by tuxtops on Sat, 02/24/2018 - 01:23
This tutorial is for those with some DIY hardware experience, though advanced beginners may find it a fun challenge. Also, experienced users might find it fun to set this up for beginners to learn from. To make this board without the SparkFun IoT Starter Kit with Blynk Board, you'll need sensors and other components to complete the built-in projects. For instance, the SparkFun Blynk Board comes with onboard WS2812 RGB LED, so you'll need a similar module to make projects using the device. You can purchase the components individually from Sparkfun.
Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/10/2018 - 23:43
Recently I wanted to create an Arduino-based low-power Internet of Things (IoT) device for makers, with built-in sensors that could be used to deliver sensor data from any location to the cloud, and potentially control connected devices such as thermostats, lights, door locks, and other home automation products. Along the way, I learned that creating a new IoT device, from idea to prototype to final product, is not as simple as I thought it would be, and there was no "ready-to-go" development device to start with.