Learn to write Linux Device Driver
LinuxCertified Inc, a leading provider of Linux training and services, announced its next Linux Device Driver Development Course class to be held in South Bay, CA from March 12th - March 14th, 2018.
The course covers the key issues in developing and testing Linux device drivers. This three days course provides substantial practice with the key steps in developing Linux device drivers. The course shows attendees how device drivers work with the Linux kernel, how to compile and load drivers, how to debug drivers, as well as other essential topics.
Attendees will develop a complete, simple, driver that demonstrates the process of creating a Linux device driver. The course covers the key issues in Linux device drivers. Such questions as: how do I develop a character device, how do I debug a driver, how do I use task queues, are examined.
This class enables developers and engineering managers to rapidly identify issues critical to their project, and provides them in-depth knowledge to add Linux support to their product lines in an aggressive time frame.
Details on this course are available at:
This workshop is also available as an on-site class throughout North America.
About LinuxCertified, Inc.
The mission of LinuxCertified, Inc is to help our clients benefit from significant savings of effectively using Linux and Open-Source software in their IT and development infrastructure. Our core offerings are:
- Linux trained and certified professionals
- Implementation and development services using Open-Source software
- LinuxCertified products providing industry's best ROI
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