3 reasons Linux is the best alternative to Windows for gamers

Gaming on Linux has taken off in a big way over the last decade, with Microsoft taking its position as the leading member of the market for gaming on PC for granted. Read more

How To Use SCP (Secure Copy) With SSH Key Authentication

Here's how to use the secure copy command, in conjunction with ssh key authentication, for an even more secure means of copying files to your remote Linux servers. Read more

Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to Cisco Packet Tracer

Cisco Packet Tracer is a networking simulation software tool for teaching and learning how to create network topologies and imitate modern computer networks. While it’s free to download, it’s proprietary software. We recommend the best free and open source alternatives for Linux.Read more

5 lightweight Linux distributions with very low system requirements

If you have an aging computer and want to give it new life, there are plenty of lightweight Linux distributions that will serve you for years to come. Read more

How to Install Zeek Network Security Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 24.04

Zeek (formerly Bro) is a free and open-source platform for network security monitoring. It is a powerful passive network traffic analyzer that investigates suspicious or malicious activity. Zeek can be used as a network security monitor (NSM) and supports a wide range of traffic analysis, from the security domain to performance measurement and troubleshooting.

How to Install VMware Workstation on Linux Mint 22

VMware Workstation is a powerful virtualization tool that allows you to run multiple operating systems on a single machine, making it an indispensable asset for developers or anyone looking to test software or entire OS in diverse environments.
However, getting started with virtualization on Linux Mint might feel a bit intimidating, especially if you’re new to the process. Don’t worry, though! This guide is designed to walk you through every step of the installation process.

How to Create Multiline Comment Bash Script Example

In Bash scripting, creating multiline comments can help enhance the readability and organization of your code. This is particularly useful when you want to comment on a block of code without using repetitive single-line comments. In this article, we will explore how to create multiline comments within a Bash script, along with a practical example. Read more

Top 10 must-have apps for new Linux users in 2025

I have written several times on switching over from Windows to Linux, as it can be advantageous for some people, such as those with older computers. What I haven't really spoken about are the top apps you should use after switching to Linux for the best experience; that's what I'll try to do now.Read more

The Importance of Bash Scripting for Linux System Administration

Bash scripting plays an integral role in Linux system administration, serving as a powerful tool for automating tasks, managing systems efficiently, and streamlining repetitive processes. Administrators who master Bash scripting can significantly enhance their productivity and reduce manual workload. Here's why Bash scripting is indispensable for Linux system administration. Read more

NerdFetch – fetch script using Nerdfonts

A system profiler is a utility that presents information about the hardware attached to a computer. Having access to hard information about your hardware can be indispensable when you need to establish exactly what hardware is installed in your machine.
NerdFetch is a simple shell script which fetches information about your system.Read more


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