
How to Install the Latest Mainline Kernel Version on Ubuntu 22.04

Want to install the latest mainline kernel update on your Ubuntu machine, which is still maintained by Linus Torvalds?
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How to Convert a /home Directory to a Separate Partition in Linux

create home partition

Some people forgot to create a home partition during installation, if you are one of them, follow the instructions below to create a home partition.

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How to Install Fish Shell with Starship on Linux distributions

When you are looking for a shell that is capable of auto highlighting, command completion, and suggest you next option to use with the command, which does not require much customization to start with the shell, then the fish shell is for you.

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How to Disable ‘su’ Access for Sudo Users in Linux

It's not reliable to allow multiple users to have access to the root account, especially when one or more sudo users reside on your system, so you can simply lock it by disabling the su command.

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How to Install and setup Selenium with Google Chrome on Ubuntu

Through this article, we will see how to set up selenium on Chrome Browser using chrome driver in very simple way with an example using python script
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How to Filter log file entries based on date range in Linux

If you are facing difficulty while systematically reading log files. Then you are in the right place.

Simple doing cat to read log file is a kind basic way to inspect log file. But when you want to filter data in an organized way based on time, then we use awk or grep.

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How to Create Symbolic or soft Link in Linux?

A symbolic link (or symlink) is a special type of file in Linux that contains a path to another file or directory. Basically, it is similar to a shortcut and is also known as a soft link.

In this post, we’ll see how to create, verify, and remove symbolic links in Linux. First, let’s start with a basic introduction to links Read More

How to configure Static Local IP Address in Ubuntu

In Linux, if you were working on networking, you may become to a point when you need to assign static IP to your system over the local network.

There may be any reason. If you want to communicate with a PC on the network, then whenever your system restarts, local IP changes based on the subnet mask. To avoid this, you need to fix your preferred local IP in the network configuration. Read more

How to Install Etcher USB Image Writing Tool on Ubuntu 20.04

Etcher is an open-source USB image writing tool that is extensively used all across the world. It is a tool that is available for many operating systems like Windows, Mac, and all of the major Linux platforms. In this article, we will provide users a walkthrough of how to install Etcher on the Ubuntu 20.04 system. Learn More

How to create bootable Ubuntu 20.04 on windows 10

I think so; a few weeks back, I was doing something on my Ubuntu 20.04. Suddenly my friend knocks on my door, and he was curiously peeking on my laptop screen. I asked what happen, Benhur?

Benhur replied, what are you doing on your laptop, It is totally different from my laptop screen, and It fascinated me. Will you tell me what it is?
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