

When working with the Linux file system, its important to know some of the different ways you can list directory contents on Linux.

This article will look at some of the commands you can use to list directory contents, which will work on whichever version of Linux you are using. These commands will also work to list directory contents on VMware ESXi. Learn More


How to Install Garuda KDE Dragonized

Garuda Linux is based on Arch Linux. It is provided with all major Desktop environment like KDE, GNOME, Xfce, Cinnamon, MATE, LXQt-kwin, Wayfire, Qtile, BSPWM and i3wm.

On a short period, Garuda Linux is most preferable distribution on Linux community.

So, we will walk through the Garuda KDE Installation process and feel the Garuda KDE’s Beast. Learn More

Easily Create a Multiboot USB with Ventoy

Ventoy is a top-rated free and open-source utility to create a multiboot USB stick from ISO files. I use it regularly, and highly recommend you to use.

Recently I covered on how you can create a bootable USB stick using Baleno Etcher. This time I will guide you how easily you can create a multiboot USB stick by just doing copy-paste ISO file to your USB device. Learn More

How to Install Linux Mint’s Cinnamon Desktop in Ubuntu

Linux Mint is known for its cinnamon desktop environment. It is a free and open-source desktop environment designed and developed based on GNOME 3.

If you are having Ubuntu on your desktop and get tried of using GNOME 3. Then you can easily switch to the cinnamon desktop in Ubuntu with few lines of command. Learn More

The complete guide for NMAP Command

Nmap is one of the most popular free and open-source command-line utility network scannings. Nmap can be used to discover hosts and services use by the system on the same network.

A Nmap tool helps you to audit local and remote server open ports and the network details.

It is available in all major operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. There is another nmap product known as zenmap, which is GUI based version of nmap.

Linux vs. Windows: A Casual, Realistic Perspective

“Linux or Windows? Which is better?” This is an age-old question and a debate I often got into with my colleagues when I’d worked in I.T. The truth of the matter is, while I don’t always understand the religious fervor towards a particular (operating) system, Linux is and has always been the best tool for my workflow. No system is perfect of course, but I prefer to see things, and life in general, through the lens of Linux and FOSS (free and open-source software). Today, we’ll be discussing the main differences between the two tools and get into the juicy details.

30 Basic commands which every Linux user should know

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced Linux user. This Basic command you should know.
Just bookmark this page because you require this command to work for daily use.
Let’s start the Basic command journey
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How to list out all the Installed Package on Ubuntu/Debian

list installed applications

We have installed so many applications in our system after some time we even don’t know which package we have installed in our Ubuntu or Debian based system.
Now you want to know which application or package you have installed in your system then follows the step.
There are many ways to list down the installed package which we will discuss below.

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LinuxCertified Inc launched New AMD powered Lightweight Linux laptop

LinuxCertified Inc, a leading seller of Linux laptops and desktops launched AMD Ryzen 4000 mobile series powered LC2464U lightweight ultra portable and powerful Linux laptop - pre-installed with Ubuntu or Fedora Linux. The LC2464U is a portable, yet powerful Linux laptop designed  for productivity, entertainment, and content creation on-the-go.

LC2464U's low-profile shape conceals its advanced capabilities within a slim 0.8-inch body. Its 180-degree display hinge adds a new level of flexibility to your viewing experience, from the desk or table to anywhere that's comfortable.  

LinuxCertified Inc launched AMD Ryzen powered High Performance Linux laptop

LinuxCertified Inc, a leading seller of Linux laptops and desktops launched AMD Ryzen powered LC2464 High Performance workstation laptop - pre-installed with Ubuntu or Fedora Linux. The LC2464 is a portable, yet powerful Linux workstation designed for legendary computational performance with the go-anywhere convenience and versatility of a laptop.


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