Preview: Motorola MPx

Jørgen Sundgot sneaks a peek of the final version of Motorola's new, Windows Mobile-based MPx communicator - purportedly to hit shelves in early 2005.

OCR Camera, music, and phone in Pantec PH-K1500

Convergence takes another step forward with Pantec's latest CDMA phone. Not just a camera phone, it's a phone, MP3 player, and 2.1 MP camera with optical character recognition.

Review: The LC2100 LinuxCertified Laptop offers a solution for the users who require ultimate mobility: the LC2100 laptop loaded with the Linux of your choice. For more info and screenshots/images, read here.

New kid on embedded Linux block -- Gentoo

A project to create embedded versions of Gentoo Linux has achieved preliminary releases on x86, MIPS, PPC, and ARM. The releases include native core system binaries, cross-platform toolchains, and, for x86, an optional hardened toolchain. The year-old project needs developers to help add cross-compile awareness to source packages.

Embedded Linux advantages -- and challenges -- in a retail POS system

This whitepaper from a senior developer with Squirrel Systems discusses how Squirrel used Linux in its highly successful POS (point-of-sales/service) system. It focuses on the advantages and challenges of choosing embedded Linux, and may be of interest to other companies considering embedded Linux.

PC Chips' X-Eye Laptop Webcam on Linux

OSNews posted a review of a laptop webcam and details how to get it going with Linux.

Motorola using Microsoft ActiveSync protocol for Linux smartphone

Motorola, Inc. has announced interoperability between its MotoSync technology-enabled mobile phones and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. The agreement with Microsoft to license the Exchange Server ActiveSync protocol enables Motorola mobile phones to give enterprise customers direct seamless access to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. Elsewhere, check a review of Motorola V505.

Axia A108 shrinks Windows CE .NET

Axia's A108 communicator offers vanilla Windows CE .NET, a 1.3 megapixel video-capable camera, and one of the smallest form factor yet for Microsoft's mobile operating system.

Editorial: Treo 650 memory explained; Review

Larry Garfield explains the issues involved in the Treo 650's new memory design, including the good, the bad, and what palmOne is planning to do about it. Elsewhere, you can read a review of the same device.

AvantGo 2005 beta

The latest beta of AvantGo 2005 adds support for hi-res displays on Palm OS and even allows the users of wireless devices to take advantage of online browsing in addition to the traditional offline viewing capabilities.


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